The production of windows from a tree requires trade. Greater part of production of window is made by the handwork of masters. As raw material we use the glued squared beam. Ecologically clean glue of class of D4, prime coating with Aidol® Induline, coverage of ZOWOSAN of the German firm ZOBEL GMBH is the "Breathing tree!", furnitura of ROTO (Germany), "Pariglass"- of window flowed from natural wood of "Milen Marso"...
On our site you can get the detailed information about dignities of wooden windows, doors, descriptions of windows and doors, technology of production, editing of wooden windows and doors, cost of wooden windows, doors and furniture. Our specialists will advise about and will help to choose a variant ...
We offer a collaboration designers and builders. The system of work with partners allows to co-operate on advantageous terms. Offer to the colleagues an exchange references on our web ...
For 5 years we succeeded to develop a modern base, many experimental masters, anchorwomen, from which were taught in Hungary and Poland. Middle age of our masters more than 35 years, we are always energetic and go in course of time. Ukraine, Kiev, Novgorodskaya str., bl.6...
Our specialists in the earliest possible dates will drive out on Your object of building, will conduct the required measurings, an engineer and designer will prepare a project with technical descriptions of windows, doors. These services free of charge. Guarantee term of exploitation of wares 5 years. The variants of work in regions are ready to discuss...
Photo of wooden windows and doors. We hope that it will help you to be determined with the optimum variant of order of wares...